Saturday, April 9, 2011

Oreo, Reeses and Snickerdoodle Themed Cupcakes

We went a little out of control's not our fault. We were challenged last week to take 24 whole entire hours and just only the things we wanted, spend time with only people we truly love and just take some time to let ourselves reset. We've both had pretty crazy lives lately and running around constantly really wore us down. So today we spent our time doing the most delightful things. We started off with brunch at Park's Edge and then headed to our pool for about an hour to get some sun...and then we decided to bake...a lot.

We're going to be needing some tasty cupcake variations in the near future to share with friends, so we decided to practice on ourselves first. We made 3 different cupcakes:

Oreo Filled Vanilla Cupcakes with a Cream Cheese Frosting. Above is everything you would need to make these little delights. They use most of the same base ingredients and then each have one or two slight differences.

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes with a Brown Sugar Buttercream Frosting. You can make homemade snickerdoodle dough for the baby cookies and dough filling, but since we were making three different cupcakes and frostings from scratch, we decided we could cut a corner and used boxed cookie mix (doctored up a bit).

Chocolate, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Cupcakes with a Peanut Butter Frosting. Obviously something had to satisfy our constant craving for the peanut butter/chocolate mix (:

If you want any of the recipes let us know...We did notice some things we need to fix for next time so that's why we aren't posting them up now.

For every recipe we creamed the room temperature butter and sugar together first for about 3 minutes and then we added the egg.

In a separate bowl we mixed together all of the dry ingredients called for by the specific cupcake. We then slowly alternated between adding this dry mixture and milk into the creamed sugar bowl.

After, we added in any other treats to the batter before scooping it into the 12 slot muffin pan. Like we said before, 3 tbsp. is the perfect amount of batter. We didn't, once again, listen to our own advice, and so some of our cupcakes exploded out of the cupcake liners.

After putting the batter into the cups, we added a 'hidden treat' to each one. Here are the oreo ones. In hindsight, this was not the brightest idea. The oreos were so big they didn't sink down into the cupcake batter! You'll see in the following pictures.

They also sucked the life out of the cupcakes. While they baked, all the moisture transferred from our delicious batter into these little guys. Next time we'll just use the crushed up oreos.

And here is the chocolate, peanut butter chocolate chunk cookie dough cupcakes.

These look so delicious.

Um, yum.

And this is what they looked like coming out of the oven. As you can see, the oreos just stayed on top, while the snickerdoodle and chocolate chunk peanut butter cookie dough sunk, leaving little dimples on the tops.

We then made all three frostings, loaded them into Ziploc freezer bags and let them chill in the fridge. After we cleaned up, we frosted and decorated them and they came out like this :

How cute are they? We made miniature snickerdoodle cookies and bought little oreos and reeses at the store.

From the outside...

Surprise! Oreos mixed in and a large oreo at the top.

Snickerdoodle! This was our favorite...

Hard to tell but that is snickerdoodle cookie dough in the middle!

And our reeses inspired cupcake...

Yes, that is homemade peanut butter chocolate chunk cookie dough in the middle...We'll use our favorite chocolate cake recipe next time because we like it better, but this was definitely still scrumptious!

1 comment:

  1. Send me the Oreo cupcake recipe please! This reminds me of a cupcake that I was peer pressured to buy at a bake sale, and it had an Oreo on the bottom, and the frosting tasted like Oreo filling....but I have not figured out how to make it. I gotta do some baking for a bbq soon and this looks delish:)Are they mini or regular sized? And what would you be changing if you made them again??

    Love the blog ladies

